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Seedea, scalable creativity
Xye, consultancy for serious creators
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Seedea API (all those function are available through remote calls)
CreateProfile DetectSimiliarProfile UpdateProfile ListIdeas (list ideas where Ive made edit) ListMicroservices (list microservices with a notification mode) SubscribeToMicroservice (pick default notification, optionnaly choose others plus otions) UpdateMicroserviceOptions (notification/timeslice/integration) UnsubscribeToMicroservice (no notification)
Register (add a new microservice to the list of subscribable services) Enqueue (call a service from a page for an user)
AddToSandbox (append well structured idea in Username.SandIdeaBox ) TransformToOimp separate Username.SandIdeaBox extract the targetted idea write it in Oimp.Uniqideaname replace the original in Username.SandIdeaBox text with a link to Oimp.Uniqideaname TransformToPimp same but within Pimp.uniqideaname TransformToLab extract from pagename the synthesis and append it to Seedea.Thelab SplitTo MergeWith FindAuthor(s?) Display Edit
authorinfluencers(user U, page P)
read configuration Profile/U mode of notification (if none means unsubscribed) profile page (profile page, email, RSS, Twitter, etc) time slice CET 2am-6am (default on geoIP night then adjusted from stats) mode of integration direct append / direct prepend / replace tag / overlay (with buttons to append/prepend) if not (done today!? && out of time slice) update Oimp-Microservices.X "cloud currently working with stats", stats run OpenCalais API call with Oimp.X find authors then call the other API (or directly use Freebase scripts or directly DBpedia) if no error integrate in Oimp.X remove from Microservices.Queue notify in profile page update Microservices.Stats-Cloud user, date, time required update Oimp-Microservices.X remove cloud else if not present in Microservices.Queue queue itself
Detect repetition of (non-text items)* and order them by (length of separated content)*
(X)* are local heuristics
the study of this text would (should?) find
try with explode() and let the user decide
What is pseudo-code? What is code? Is it just discussion?
Avoid recursively head spinning abstraction while designing, get simple things going THEN and ONLY THEN abstract/template/etc them!