CoEvolution > Oimp > TheHealthVoyage
The Health Voyage
Enjoy a learning trip in the land of healthy nutrition alone, with friends or even with your kids!
Initiator : Fabien
online pedagogical game for youngsters who want to be healthy while having fun.
Problem to solve : loosing the food culture is dangerous
Thanks to private interests, our alimentation changes faster than we learn how to cope with it. We have plenty of energy-PACKED food and our body and our CULTURE did not understand it. When you see a food you "deduce" what it holds thanks to hundreds of years of social learning, alias culture. Today you can't anymore. Before with fruits vegetables and such it was easy but with ultra processed food it's getting harder. It includes false colors, false taste, etc.
Solution : use new tools to re-learn how to eat properly together
In order to cope with such accelerating pace we leverage our ability to visually compare foods. We counter balance the bias by advertisement and our senses by "Visual Food Weight". In order to facilitate this learning process we embed it in a fun game that kids will love to play and thus retain information much better and thus acquire good habits.
Instantiation of the solution : a fun game online with a cool community
You make a "basket" of your food choices and the game computes to see if you are right.
You win points for perfect meals and lose points for every adjustment.
The game
Example 1
- Joe logs in the website
- He picks a little persona called Loky who looks a bit like him (a pre-defined profile of an 8 years old boy who likes to play soccer and who lives in France) amongst 5 random generated profiles
- He picks a situation that he knows and likes (having a lunch before going to a game during the afternoon)
- He picks foods by clicking on them on a visual landscape that looks like a path with possible ways
- In the ends his score is displayed : 4 stars
- A short visual explanation shows him where he made a good choice and where could have done better
- Joes is awarded points and he keeps his score and then moves on to another game or tries to do to better
Example 2
Make it as a promenade with a path inside of a jungle of food: it's a structured meal over a network of possibilities where you, once again, try to optimize
- starting point : who you are (need to make it more... positive, less "incriminatory")
- arriving point : who you want to be and thanks to what activity
- lower the sugar intake
- lower the salt intake
- lower the fat intake
- augment the vitamins
- reduce total calories consumption
- the more visual help you have, the less points you score (and eventually handicap like in golf)
- example you have size of nutrient=fat thus score less than without
- time can also be taken into account
- speed game (avoid Google cheating)
- normal game
Game detects mistakes (like too big portion for a kid, they are often over fed) and provide funny animations with a giant or sth like that to explain why the player didn't get the best score withvisual learning feedback.
It's easy to make statistics and if next time the player does the same mistake, the related friends or parents could know it.
Build a fun joyful environment where visuals are pleasant way to support information and thus learning process.
- Rare gifts to make other kids want them and thus promote the website thus spreading the motivation and the message
- Visual Food Weight in Seedea
- InTrade.net, website where you win thanks to your ability to anticipate based on a realistic model
- SushiPack, food related heroes for kids
- Nutrition oriented community websites
Key functionnalities
- plats cuisines ajoutes par la communaute pr rester a jour (eventuallement gestion des codes bars)
- visualization des graisses/proteines etc... comme ds les outils financiers
- top score base sur des equipes random n00b+pro base sur la meilleure progression (dc apprentissage)
- visual attractif pr petit genre SushiPack (interface visuelle marrante)
- mise en relation avec des "consultings" en alimentation (et donc marge la dessus)
- pro (stats et mise en relation)
et ... les gens mangerait mieux
Business model
- Bootstrap by sponsor like government and health related programs
- France : "5fruits/legumes par jour"
- valider par des nutritionistes etc (pour que les gens fassent confiance)
- et... l'inverse cad que les nutritionnistes devraient normalement faire parti du top10
Motivation for players
Health MUST stay the #1 motivation, not monetary gifts
- top scores alone and cooperative
- learning
- version parents and kids
- a kid on his own
- friends
- make contacts
- gifts
- super-carrots 20cm tall
- trips to StMalo for massages
Leveraging the power of the community
Sharing the input and update workload
There is just too much information to input on your own.
New products appearing ALL THE TIME. By sharing the workload well all benefit from it.
- include the SuperU buying lists to autogenerate what you actually buy (stats over time so you can't cheat)
and be able to compare with what you SHOULD buy.
- very valuable : price, time, items repartition, location, time of the year, ...
Learning from each other, cooperation over competition
Best scores in a kind of competitive cooperative fashion
- auto-generated teams of good player + bad player (more motivating)
- the overall best score would be the player who helped the most
- in the end it would push people to be individualy good but also to be good at sharing their knowledge.
Community data vs private data
The game would generate fake data for people who would rather not input anything personal.
Any person who wants can inputs (or import from health websites) its own data to create it a profile that would stay entirely private.
It would result in a "home made nutricionist" game, something quite correct for everybody but not so specific as the diet of a doctor. One could even ask feedback from real nutritionnists and see how they do perform in the game.
Assigned tasks
- executive summary of how the project would be accepted
- Is the market ready today?
- requirement for the visuals
- ask a designer friend after explaining him the concept
- requirement for the hosting
- compare cloud computing and local hosting for data, proc, etc...
Technical description of a game session
- up-to-date database of aliments going from raw vegetables to frozen prepared dishes (up to date with calories prices, etc...)
- the game draws randomly 20 of them and build randomly a fake person with its nutritious profile
- you have 10min to prepare him the ideal meal for his average day with a certain amount of money
Different complexity levels
in the beginning for a kid you just have few aliment with no time or money and with help of size and colors but the better you get, the more parameters you have to manage (and the less help with additional info you have).
The point is to be as healthy as possible so it has to be realistic aliment will be valuated based on their real price (even if can seem "unfair") no fake data.
Organic/Bio food still has to prove to be better (but that would also be taken into account in the "environment dimension").
The 4 dimensions : health, price, environment, taste
Complexity levels would be based on the combination of the 4 dimensions and also time. The more dimension, the harder it becomes.
- Manage the ever growing number of aliments made from a more and more obscur process.
- non "copyrighted" product would be extracted from community databases (like wikipedia or ekopedia) and could help to boostrap the system
- Taste if hard or impossible to judge
- build culture based system on how famous a dish is (ex. pizza in the US)
- Environment is difficult but can be hypothesized especially based on resources consumption and ethical/moral rules
- % of packing materials (paper, carton, alluminium)
- giving a weight to each component
- first analysing the ingredients of the product, then going back for each one of them (recursively plus the transformation and logistic processes involved)
Possible solution :
- Build large families and each aliment would inherit propertie from it's ancestor plus some specific properties. A tree or a network structure will emerge.
Other pedagogical games
To explore