This is supposed to be the first module for Seedea written within Seedea.
- start the environment with (:seedeamodulesbuilding:) : "(:seedeamodulesbuilding:) )"
- Now the modules have been rebuild and loaded
- test the module (:metatestmeta:) : "(:metatestmeta:)"
Code of the test module
Markup('metatestmeta', 'directives',
Keep("seulement si c'est la meme page en fait je pense..."));
Markup('metatestmeta2', 'directives',
Keep("t'es sur?"));
Known problems
- eval method
- can't define pmwiki markup within a recipe
- thus generate a full fledged recipe (/cookbook/) then register it (/config.php)
- only one level of evaluation (can't define functions then use them) see PHP: eval Notes
- no cascading of errors (no cascading generally speaking, nothing like Lisp)
- file writing method
- have to reload after loading the page (only if it's the same page that reload and display the result, could be improve with an automatic redirection)
- maybe incompatible with CVS/SQL filesystem methods
To integrate