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Seedea, scalable creativity

Xye, consultancy for serious creators




Idea Task Force

Next meeting

1ere semaine de aout 2009

organisation poster avec le process general, les business units, etc... histoire de passer du conceptuel au plus pragramatique

page pour le developement en temps reel, etude de marche etc

salle dans paris avec video projecteur/table tactile qui enregistre type

un loue une aprem, on amene notre matos nos idees et hop , on avance en "vrai" :D chacun aura eu un peu de "travail maison" a faire avant

Seedea in this context ~= Virtual incubator bootstraper


  1. defining the formalism (refer to schema 10/10/08)
    1. briefly discussed with phan_tom_99? and Gwenael? the 12/10/08
  2. Generate an RDF of ideas (cf 5th of October) as proposed p89,p165 of Tutorial on the Semantic Web by Ivan Herman, W3C
    1. for hypergraph purposes one can try N3 since N3 extends RDF to allow a graph to be a node in a graph.
    2. take Seedea.Architecture into account to have usable models just in time (minimal effort for direct use but considering futur evolutions)

Potential meeting points

Potential participants

Key Material to explore

Page last modified on July 02, 2009, at 10:08 AM