Boost creativity by making links one did not think of.
Each links back to the grammar rule that generated it.
Inspired by
- add practical tools
- search input for words in included pages
- display content side by side (with include) rather just titles
- geometrical shape with intersections as page proposal
- e.g. a triangle with in its center [[MergeProposal/Page1Page2Page3]] and on each edge [[MergeProposal/Page1Page2Page3]], [[MergeProposal/Page1Page3]] and [[MergeProposal/Page2Page3]] with [[Page1]] [[Page2]] [[Page3]] as vertices
- syntax sugaring done by categories, groups, PTV, etc
- FB_Wiki:Languages/ including Context-free grammar (CFG)
- changes to the syntax itself should be recorded (classical history page) and proposed in several ways
- directly vote on generated page
- generating a link with syntax/grammar used + content used
- (:if equal "Fabien" "{$Author}":)generated_sentence [[CombinatorialCreativity/CurrentGrammar?action=upvote&content=generated_sentence|upvote]](:ifend:)
- machine learning on the population
- e.g. X proposals to rate every morning