Tools used in the formalization
See BeingNoOne for the others notes.
Chapter 3 - Tools I
- Mental Representation: RepM(S, X, Y)
- Introspection1 "external attention", with attention penetrability
- Introspection2 "consciously experienced cognitive reference", with cognitive penetrability
- Introspection3 "inward attention" and "inner perception", with attention penetrability
- Introspection4 "consciously experienced cognitive self-reference", with cognitive penetrability
- Phenomenal Representation: RepP (S, X, Y)
- Mental Simulation: SimM (S, X, Y)
- Mental Representation: RepM <-> Sim`M (W0, S, X, Y) ( Mental Simulation: Sim`M (W, S, X, Y) )
- Phenomenal Simulation: SimP (S, X, Y)
- Mental Presentation: PreM (S, X, Y)
- Phenomenal Presentation: PreP (S, X, Y)
Chapter 5 - Tools II (focusing on self-representation)
- Mental Representation: RepM(S, X, Y) mentioned again
- Box 5.1, p266 but mentioned earlier in Chapter 3 - Tools I
- Mental Self-Representation: S-RepM(ST, X, R)
- Phenomenal Self-Representation: S-RepP(ST, X, R)
- Mental Self-Simulation: S-SimM(ST, X, R)
- Phenomenal Self-Simulation: S-SimP(ST, X, R)
- Mental Self-Presentation: S-PreM (S, X, Y)
- Phenomenal Self-Presentation: S-PreP (S, X, Y)
Chapter 6 - The Representational Deep Structure of the Phenomenal First-Person Perspective
Syntactic definitions (p398 to 402)
- I* content of the conscious, current transparent model of the self
- [I am certain that I* exist] active phenomenal content
- <I> current conscious thought is a component of the speaker's self-model
- <I*> transparent partition of the self-model
- [I*] content of the transparent self-model
- [I* exist] decisive property of the transparent self-model
Additional key concepts
- State-space semantics (SSS) introduced by Churchland (1986) p112
- active externalism (AE) introduced by Andy Clark and David Chalmers (1998) p112
- global workspace theory (GWT) introduced by Bernard Baars (1988) p120
- highest-order binding (HOB) introduced by Meztinger (1995) p137
- functional cluster index (CI) introcued by Edelman and Tononi (1996) p141
- "To have an integrated, globally coherent model of the world means to create a global functional cluster, that is, an island of maximal causal density within one's own representational system." p141