Machinamenta: The thousand year quest to build a creative machine by Douglas Summers Stay - ISBN 9781456317751 - CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2011



Describe in a sentences or two what motivated me to read this book.

Pre-reading model

List the main decisions that should be impacted by reading the book in order to estimate the Seedea:Content/Newconcepts#InformationActionRatio and facilitate rule design as suggested after finishing TheTinkerersAccomplice.

Draw a schema (using PmGraphViz or another solution) of the situation of the area in the studied domain before having read the book.


  • 1 Beauty from the Symmetry of Their Form
    • example of the kaleidoscope
  • 2 Machines to Generate Stories

See also

Overall remarks and questions

  • this? that?


So in the end, it was about X and was based on Y.


Point A, B and C are debatable because of e, f and j.


(:new_vocabulary_start:) new_word (:new_vocabulary_end:)

Post-reading model

Draw a schema (using PmGraphViz or another solution) of the situation of the area in the studied domain after having read the book. Link it to the pre-reading model and align the two to help easy comparison.


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