Algorithms of the Intelligent Web by Haralambos Marmanis and Dmitry Babenko - ISBN: 1933988665 - Manning 2009



Understanding the web requires to understand not just the usages or the infrastructure but also how information is being processed to provide better and news experiences which uses increasingly complexes techniques.

Pre-reading model

Draw a schema (using PmGraphViz or another solution) of the situation of the area in the studied domain before having read the book.


"Unlike traditional applications, intelligent applications adjust their behavior according to their input" (p.xiv)

Tools for examples and todos

See also

Overall remarks and questions

  • keep BDD mindset to analyze what is actually the value of Collective Intelligence/ML/AI/... (as it seems to have been done by some during the RailsCampParis3 constantly asking if end-users would actually notice and benefit from it)
  • no magic and still hard problems yet partial working solutions
    • symbolic AI is looking for abstract structures (ideally one encompassing and efficient abstraction)
    • ML is using data (ideally small and up to date)
  • what are the most new usages, not techniques, and who applies them?
  • what are the most famous non-Java framework?
    • outside of WEKA, Mahout, ...
    • and why are the Java frameworks so dominant?
  • TDD/BDD of assertions/tests to apply to learning machine learning?
  • are those computation 1-use only? i.e. no re-use or generalization? hard incremental?


So in the end, it was about X and was based on Y.



(:new_vocabulary_start:) new_word (:new_vocabulary_end:)

Post-reading model

Draw a schema (using PmGraphViz or another solution) of the situation of the area in the studied domain after having read the book. Link it to the pre-reading model and align the two to help easy comparison.


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