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Presentation for Pimp my UI at Fabelier, 9th of February
Proposed by @cybunk/@mazieres after AIW03
#fabelier on Twitter, identi.ca, Live Cast, TwitterStreamGraphs, Collecta, flickr
Attended activities
Orgmode by Clemence
- Orgmode
- ordering tasks, tagging task, managing the calendar, TODO, timestamps, ...
- cf #orgmode on freenode
- Ion
Shared the existing Vim edition VimOrganizer, Worg, MobileOrg for iPhone, android-orgmode Org-mode on android platform
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- code walk config mutt
- introduction to vimperator
- awesome
- explanation on tilling
- tagged consoles being directly moved to the right workspace
- Awesome configuration files soon available on Fabelier wiki
- useful command line
- locally cached RATP map
- mention of Terminator
- differences with Ion, especially on tags and tiling
Shared muttator and commandlinefu
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Personal UX by Fabien
Slides : PersonalUX
- critics on the possibility to estimate your future most complex usage of a tool
- own goal of maximizing Heuristics#ExpressivePower
- which should let to selecting tools with specific requirements
- API/hooks/scripts/macro/...
- quick note about coherence (e.g. Vi* shortcuts) to minimize the learning costs
- Q&A
- limits/problems
- why is it all public
Preparation and mindset
- visualization of expressive power of different interfaces
- the green color does not mean that it is always the right solution
- i.e. when one has no interest in creativity and knows his usage will be limited to low complexity of results, the red curve is a most efficient solution
- the colors are used mainly to argue for results aiming at facilitating creativity rather than pure short-term execution
- visual interface, mouse or even multitouch, can only do so much
- curve to illustrate that, showing that for simple tasks it is great but it quickly get bounded
- e.g.
- selecting 5 consecutive file with the mouse is great
- but for example file*this.v{1,2,3}that or selecting 1000 files is impossible
- note that this could also be cumulative between different tools
- down pits with distraction (hence the cuteness factor)
- bounded complexity, incited to think in simple ways, thus bounded in usage too
Forgot to mention
- handling interruption with several ways
- first and foremost trying not to get interrupted
- else minimized "swapping" thus saving context
- Windows-F11 to paste the buffer in a new Vim instance
- /echo in irssi in screen (gives a timestamp)
- shortcut to edit internal wiki buffer (gives a timestamp)
18:19 -!- also gives a timestamp
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Overall remarks and conclusions
- interesting to see what others are using
- sometimes hard to argue (or to refrain from arguing) based on the different usages thus needs
- rather personal (especially with demos) so probably nice restricted to a group of positive trusted peers
- based on the limitations noticed after my presentation, a solution could be to start curating tools that do meet those new specification with others interested participants
- at first individually I could start applying categories to Tools e.g.
[[!MEP_ViLikeInterface]], [[!MEP_HasAPI]], [[!MEP_SupportsHooks]], [[!MEP_SupportDaemon]], ...
- this way I could list tools that are most likely to lower the global optimum
- note the time to select a tool can also be integrated to the effort
- consequently the time allocated to select such a tool could be proportional (not necessarily linearly) to its importance in the workflow
- e.g. a tool related to a core task would have to meet all the requirements proposed while a tool for a peripheral task would be picked without much consideration beside popularity
- maintain Wikipedia:Homoiconicity
so that every new realization can become a tool to combine and be combined with other
- it is very hard to explain and justify what has become a natural habit
- lack of theoretical framework
- philosophy of technology
- design and cognition
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Other reviews or coverage
To do
- share for AIW
- Christophe Heintz's Web Epistemology
- email sent and redirected to http://nitens.org/taraborelli/home
- see also Cognitive History and Cultural Epidemiology
- Stigmergic epistemology, stigmergic cognition, Cognitive Systems Research 2008
- study Quora in the through Folk Epistemology, Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2010
- explore
- Wikipedia:Cognitive dimensions of notations#Viscosity
as suggested by TheSheep
- ruby-wmii Ruby configuration/scripting for the wmii window manager, eigenclass
- MyColorscreen Where Technology meets Art
- clarify the way to handle connectivity
- local mirrors with automatic updates
- configuration taking into account localhost values
- locally defined DNS
- switching to local mirrors when offline