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- science and mathematical usage
- affixes
- literature
- Cf.
- note it seemed to be used wrongly in this wiki (shared by trunkie from Blinkenshell)
- Viz.
videre licet "it is permitted to see."
- e.g.
exempli gratia
- et al. et alii
- i.e. id est
- ibid. ibidem
- sina qua non
- philosophy
- Sophisms
- ad hominem
- ex cathedra, from the chair (also known as papal infallibility)
- adequatio rei et intellectus
- social and political
- Sui generis
= of its own kind/genus
- cum laude = With praise; an honor added to a diploma or degree for work above average.
- proxy = Contraction of Anglo-Norman procuracie, from Medieval Latin procuratia, from Latin procuratio.
- medical
- vacuus = empty, vacant, unoccupied
- cortex = bark, rind; bark of a tree; bark; cork; skin
- placebo = I will please
- homo sapien and other organisms names with their etymological roots
- famous quotes
- mens sana in corpore sano
- dosis sola facit venenum, Paracelsus (1493 - 1541)
- panem et circenses
- per aspera sic itur ad astra
- Pigmaei gigantum humeris impositi plusquam ipsi gigantes vident
- una tantum
- Pars pro toto
= (taking) a part for the whole
- Grosso modo = In a rough way, roughly, circa or approximately
- complexus = past participle of complecti to entwine, encircle, compass, infold
- com- = together
- plectere = to weave, braid
Motivating material
See also