JavascriptLabBrusselsMarch2016 Wednesday, March 30, 2016 at 7:00 PM
#HASHTAGUNSET on Twitter,, Live Cast, TwitterStreamGraphs, Collecta, flickr
Own objectives
- learn about meaningful animation
- shared VR knowledge
- improve JS skills
- challenge own VR ability
Attended activities
Reminder : A-frame = entity-component-system-based three.js framework with a DOM interface
- questions
- who bought an Oculus CV1? Vive?
- who tried a Vive? Oculus? Cardboard?
- who developed anything in 3D? in VR? in webVR?
- initial plan
- who am I (cf my quick history with VirtualReality ), credentials as an expert (~5min)
- personal history (could display just a time line and items)
- studying cognitive science 2004, VR goes from closing your eyes to Vive and more, it's only 1 thing : Immersion!
- nothing...
- applied to Oculus in 2013
- tried Rift in 2014
- failed to hire somehow to make my own project in early 2015 own personal project of organizing notes in VR (infinite space and re-configurability, mind maps on steroid)
- gave several free workshops in late 2015
- won Hackathon in January 2016, cf DK2 here
- gave several free workshops in 2016
- what I made
- the current state of VR (5min)
- for quality HTC Vive > Oculus DK2 > Gear VR > Cardboard
- but also the opposite for price, then popularity
- to keep in mind as you design your own app for your target segment
- key concepts
- the current state of webVR (7min)
- first what is webVR compared to VR
- VR for the web, on the web
- e.g. for the web changing light via local time, connected with others, connected to other worlds
- webGL support (mention instead Sakri's slide)
- webVR 1.0 with hardware support
- what makes webVR special
- 5min code to demo on device, 0 install, 0 licence fee
- largest user base and multi-user
- content widely available
- A-frame vs the rest
- the rest (5min)
- Unity, Unreal, Wikipedia:Blend4Web
- afraid of low poly? beware the uncanny valley
- BabylonJS
- no proper VR support as of early March 2016
- haven't been part of a research lab working with VRML for the last 10 years? meh
- SceneVR, Vizor, etc
- online GUI to design scene with animations
- ThreeJS
- made for 3D on the web, not directly for VR but can be extended
- comparison matrix
- A-frame (that I avoided for months!) (7min)
- what is the sweet spot compared to what was presented before (4min)
- largest user segment
- fastest growing community made components
- lowest barrier to entry for newcomers, even non programmers
- entirely open, made by Mozilla
- camera with VR specifics
- stereo effect
- head tracking
- gaze interactions
- primitives
- start with a cube but only to start, after moving or scaling a cube or a mountain uses the same principles and even functions
- possibly show own 3D scan
- handling assets
- animation (with reminder of key concepts from Sakri's presentation)
- but animation with a purpose (as developed earlier, cf also Mike Alger)
- components
- quick UX tips (8min)
- goal is immersion, not technology showcase
- gentle scene might have a nicer effect to newcomers than going all guns blazing and getting puked on
- uncanney Valley as good excuse to stick to low poly
- also to keep up with framerate (30fps cardboard, 90fps Oculus/Vive, 120fps Sony PSVR)
- actual research by Carmack and others on "tricks" e.g. timewrap but vendor specific
- own position : trust Moore's law
- not just FPS but also accelerometer/gyroscope and overall tracking speed
- has to be fast enough to be transparent
- do not use small text
- add nose
- comfortable view bubble
- comfortable hand interaction bubble
- attention bubble
- assume sitting person who will not even move his or her head
- but feel free to give instructions in the experience
- gamepad API and interactions
- beyond A-frame (3min)
- "fullstacked" A-frame
- physics
- server-side
- WebSockets
- web page rendering with PhantomJS
- conclusion (2min)
- in the browser, really
- 0 installation, neither on desktop or mobile
- right-click and see the source code
- learn, modify, make!
- why the web works and keeps on improving
- works today, not perfect but WORKS, performances WILL increase tomorrow, no doubt
- learned how to manipulate the DOM for 2D? Get benefits in 3D and VR
- web as a rich dataset, both for assets and interactions, possible to leverage in webVR
- burgeoning framework and community, take part now
- appendix slides, kept for Q&A
- review after
- time
- what are the key take away
- what are they key concepts that a newcomer would get stuck on if it was missed
- Goal : Immersion
- Recycle your DOM mastery : 3D simply done via Custom elements
- Recycle your JS mastery : own components, events, webSockets, new libraries, full stack,...
- video recording to check coherence
- relying on
- to do
- presentation (re-evaluate then if codepen or webpackbin, no output or live reloading so far, is more appropriate )
- consider it in 3D ideally VR mode, ideally relying on
- ideally transitions from... (basically all steps but the last one could be a VR demo with initial zoom close enough to mimic 2D content)
- text to 2D e.g. text to rich content, i.e. text, image and video
- 2D to 3D e.g. slide to slides as slides over 3D path
- 3D to VR e.g. slides over 3D path to gaze activated slides over 3D path
- VR to live coded VR gaze activated slides over 3D path that is fixed in real time
- loop back to plain text with contact details to highlight the fact that not all content is good for VR
- maybe with
- preparation
- live coding
- remarks
- additional resources to include
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Overall remarks and conclusions
- meet him
- could be improved by doing that
- see also that other event
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Other reviews or coverage
To do
- improve Template
- add map data (:ola-point lat= lon= text='':)