For visual customization see

the specification of WebXR would meet the definition of a digital public good in the "standards" category (see for context), similarly I would say to how the specification for TCP/IP would. Present DPGs to W3C Immersive Web Working Group event, where main stakeholders who are building the immersive web platform meet. Should be consider in the context of

UNICEF Innovation Fund WebXR primer ( -> interactive public FLOSS/CC0 wiki, allows for inline sketches, video, embedding, comments to request clarifications, etc )

insist on the foundational values of WebXR (against vendor lock-in, closed source, etc) within the GIGA public goods perspective

introduction to define the value of the report

	This primer clarify what is WebXR and why it can uniquely enable rich augmented and virtual reality interactive content for every child. This primer is targeting non technical individual who will have to support technical individuals. The topic changing at a very rapid pace there is no expectation of providing up to date technical information but rather the basis to understand key concepts, key actors and how to remain up to date.

including clarification on key terms

  • vr: virtual reality in this context refers to the set of techniques and technical apparatus required to make someone feels like they are in another context. A simple example being sitting at a desk in a classroom but having the impression that you are sitting on the surface of Mars and explore its content. The effect is currently produced with headsets, or head mounted display (HMD), that are able to monitor in real time the head orientation then adapt the content so that moving the head makes the content follow the movement. This technique of associating a virtual camera to the rotation of the user gives a sense of presence that is otherwise impossible using traditional video games or movies. Consequently, his enables new opportunities in terms of pedagogy.
  • ar: augmented reality refers to adding information on a viewpoint. For example if you are pointing your phone or tablet to a book used for teaching astronomy, the phone would display the solar system right above the book, giving the impression of having an hologram right in front of you. The main different between VR and AR is that there is no feeling of immersion. AR brings content in front of someone whereas VR brings someone inside the content. AR can be particularly advantageous where the local physical context matters. For example displaying the solar system is limited as it is all around us but if instead we display a local biological virus it brings a very different perspective to the student.
  • mr: mixed reality is often used instead of augmented reality. Usually the distinction being that augmented reality adds content as an information overlay but has little to no understanding of the physical environment. Mixed reality or MR on the other hand blends content with the physical world. For example mixed reality will take into account the walls of a classroom. This will allow for richer interactions. We can imagine a historical where the walls of the classroom as partially broken down to display how the city decades of even hundred years ago.
  • xr: as the distinction between AR and MR is not always clear but also because AR, MR and VR use underlying concepts and technology the name of XR was proposed in late 2017s. The suggestion was that the more the fields developed, the more “realities” were suggested. In order to avoid constant changes the term XR for the X variable and realities was adopted.
  • webvr: WebVR brings virtual reality to the web. The goal ...
  • webar
  • webxr

executive summary with suggestions

specifications implementations good examples how a typical UNICEF IF XR project could benefit usual pitfalls managing risks key actors

  • W3C
  • W3C participants

key resources

audience? IF staff with some exposure to XR

distinguishing value of webxr

  • limits of native
  • XR to XR transitions
  • cross-platform support
  • efficient sharing
  • permissionless deployment
  • available skillset
  • social XR
  • positive open source bias

historical context key ways to remain up to date with future changes

recurrent design patterns leveraging webxr

  • login from an existing website
  • responsive design

using WebXR in conjunction with native XR

  • 360 preview in existing website

transition from XR to WebXR

  • asset management
  • web specific challenges
    • PWA to manage offline content
    • managing your own intranet server
    • buffering

key difference between 3D and XR

  • reference frame and camera
  • 3DoF vs 6DoF