TheBrainAndTheVisualSystemIcon2016 May 23 2016, 7pm
#HASHTAGUNSET on Twitter,, Live Cast, TwitterStreamGraphs, Collecta, flickr
Own objectives
- update knowldge on cognitive science
- link with VR
- discover Icon
Attended activities
- definition of visual perception
- goal of speed and reliability
- processing with hierarchy and parallelism
- photosensible proteins change change shape making neurons in the retina discharge current
- geomoetry in the visual system with Wikipedia:Receptive field
Wikipedia:Lateral inhibition
and overall Wikipedia:Retinotopy
- 3D as inference
- biggest difference between 2 images between eyes
- closer distance and vice versa
- how to better exploit it?
- visual illusion not as the only stimuli e.g. typical gabor pattern
- overall presentation and questions reminder me of
- perception as precedent cues, including cultural
- e.g. kitten carousel experiment
- enactivism
- perception is done within a context and with limited scope despite the fakely reconstructed large size
- attention bottleneck, general bottleneck with bandwidth
- e.g. driving while having a spacial conversation
- machine learning applied to vision with deep learning equivalent
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Overall remarks and conclusions
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Other reviews or coverage
To do
- improve Template
- add map data (:ola-point lat= lon= text='':)