Own objectives

  1. show to kids that programming is a creative act
  2. prove pragmmatically that it is a power to change their world
  3. show that starting is fun
  4. share how fun it remains decades after starting

Attended activities

ice breaker

  • going around to chat, asking what make them tick
    • so far mostly has been
      • video games, e.g Fortnite, FIFA
      • sports, e.g soccer
      • watching videos, e.g TikTok, YouTube
    • find connections
      • e.g have you ever imagined making your video games
      • what if you could change FIFA

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VR principles

  • using scrcpy to show the headset perspective
  • guess how the headset knows its position
  • ...

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Overall remarks and conclusions

  • to write a posteriori

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To do

  1. include Electronics#SocialWebXRRPi0
  2. add network schema from rM2
  3. link to https://cfeditions.com/enigmes/
  4. use https://biggu-backend-collab.glitch.me/supertime
  5. link to photos from past sessions, e.g https://twitter.com/search?q=%40utopiah%20tada&src=typed_query
  6. test with Lego via ~/Prototypes/buildhat/buildhat_web.py
    1. available as e.g
    2. directly available as as a jxr line working in XR from
  7. to properly shutdown all devices rely on the laptop
    1. cf the ssh commands for rpi0metaverse and rpi4buildhat to shutdown
    2. for HomeAssistant use the browser URL
    3. be mindful that IPs might change
    4. XR HMD can be physically shutdown by holding the power button 10s