SundayGeekBrunch2016InventingOnPrinciple2 Sunday May 15 2016 from 10am to 2pm
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Own objectives
- improve my Programming by making being able to spawn, use, saving the result then close a sandbox
Attended activities
- scalable partly automated creativity sandbox relying on my own principle
- workflow
- request a sandbox
- connect to the sandbox
- describe the expected outcome
- structure the outcome in a re-usable format
- fetch data from older projects or sandboxes
- work in the sandbox
- using fast feedback forkable efficient tools
- download outcome
- kill the sandbox
- references
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Overall remarks and conclusions
- difficult to pick the right layer and tools for abstraction and virtualization
- VM, thin VM using AMI, docker, Ansible, etc
- nothing usable done
- why not?
- unclear specifications
- staying generalist and ideal instead of doing 1 instance then iterating
- for next time consider
- the ~/Prototypes folders on different computers
- a wiki group e.g. SRE with for each page using Template
- a goal e.g. learn about Docker
- a timeframe e.g. half a day May 16 2016
- a versionned Docker file linked to an older Docker file
- could be stored on the wiki e.g. SER/SandboxName-Docker
- how can the lessons learned be integrated back efficiently
- the SER efficiently restarted in the (not too distant) future
- what's the added value compared to...
- BlockBuilder
- Docker HUB
- etc
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To do
- improve Template
- add map data (:ola-point lat= lon= text='':)