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BelgiumBasicIncomeTechMeetupApril2016 Wednesday April 6 at 6pm
#HASHTAGUNSET on Twitter, identi.ca, Live Cast, TwitterStreamGraphs, Collecta, flickr
Own objectives
- update own knowledge on the topic
- share lessons learned
- try practical socially positive application
Attended activities
- Introduction by @jeborsel
- Current state of Bitcoin and views on cryptocurrencies by myself
- How bitcoin integrates (or doesn't) with real-world economies by Max
- Introduction to the idea of Basic Income with cryptocurrencies by @jeborsel
Introduction by @jeborsel
- assess the audience : have you ever...
- {owned some, owned more than one, mined some, being paid with, programmed with} Bitcoin
- {owned some, participated to a smart contract using, programmed a smart contract based on} Ethereum
- {programmed on, used, considered creating} another blockchain
- {set up recurrent, set up variable} transaction with your own bank
- history of cryptocurrencies, from shells to a maze of Turing-compatible distributed partly-compatible cryptobased networks
- key moments ( note that the absolute value threshold can be changed)
- my own peek in that big history
- via Bitcoin including realitykeys.com
- the own peek of institutions at that history
- what does this perspective gives us
- what can be done today
- e.g. programming, with its risk and perils (what makes a blockchain and its ecosystem trustable), on the blockchain of
- Bitcoin
- a Bitcoin sidechain
- Ethereum
- a brand new one
- ... not a blockchain?!
- still to integrate
- legality map http://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-legal-map/
- https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Category:History but only up to 2013
- BIPs timeline
- to explore
- limits
- Hobbes' Leviathan
- Graeber's The utopia of rules
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How bitcoin integrates (or doesn't) with real-world economies by Max
- clarifications on what money is, money supply, M2, risk on non Bitcoin based platforms, deflation, inflation
- Q&A revolving around reframing taxing
Introduction to the idea of Basic Income with cryptocurrencies by @jeborsel
- listing existing solutions in particular Circles, uCoin, etc
Overall remarks and conclusions
- meet him
- could be improved by doing that
- see also that other event
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Other reviews or coverage
To do
- improve Template
- add map data (:ola-point lat= lon= text='':)