This page will document the process leading to
(From , see DecouplingFromSocialNetwork for details on external transclusion.)
specifically trying to answer the question "How does a computer work?" using material available at home.
This was done here using :
In particular it lead through 3 sessions to :
While sharing the result, a French distribution was also found (PrimeTux ) which includes GCompris and more. It is working on the RPi 400 and an older version of RPi3.
Honestly this is not important. They will eventually be added but arguably what is core here is precisely
Namely each person wanting to go through the process will come from a different background. People might want to learn what a computer is only to do music with it, others because they want to have a more direct affordance to computer science, etc. Also everybody will have a different set of Lego pieces, different hardware (e.g RPi5 vs RPi Zero vs Nuc, etc), no Makey-Makey, etc. This does not mean though that one needs to get more hardware, instead it is more interesting to consider what can be learned "here" with what is available.
Highlighted parts :
The "beauty" of the single key on its own Lego plate was that it could still be stacked back on the "main" board. It made it convenient to remove, modify safely then bring back.
The architecture itself thus should be documented, facilitating the construction, and sharing through documentation, of such modules as functional pedagogical units.
Instead of having an AI accelerator or a CPU having an external decelerator computing unit based on the Turing tumble game namely using sensor that will count for example how many balls will fall based on how many ball have started in the same kind of system as Turing tumble but made out of Lego pieces
Once a setup is working, e.g RPi on plate with working OS, with an interface (local if screen is present or remote, e.g HTTP server and ssh for setup) it can be mounted on wheels. If at least one wheel can be controllers (e.g Lego Spike Essential) then the computer itself becomes, arguably, a robot. Others modules could be added for e.g computer vision and thus giving instructions without a keyboard.
WiFi, BlueTooth, 4G, ZigBee, etc are relatively well known signal but they are not "seen". One could instead rely on the visualization of a microphone. When a threshold is reached for a certain duration, then a 1 is captured, otherwise a 0. This would be displayed over the wave form.
From this, once a certain signal is captured (generated from hand clapping) e.g 10101010 then a result would be displayed (showing an image).
Plenty of relatively easy extensions are possible, e.g light sensors, motion sensor, etc. This is arguably easier to understand that yet another USB gagdet that comes with its (non Lego) enclosure.
Even though IPP might be relatively easily to implementing unfortunately connecting will not be sufficient, unlike the input, e.g keyboard. Maybe turning on/off the "ink" delivery could be a start. Alternatively a kind of plotter from Spike Essential (or GPIO with small motors) could be used.
Weekend thing, the color sensor moves the device which writes back... Turing tape something?
— Fabien Benetou (@utopiah) May 12, 2024
Each of the 4 walls of the containing tray would be an arrow key on the MakeyMakey. The core would be the ground connection.
Another building block required for a VR headset.
— Fabien Benetou (@utopiah) September 28, 2024