En 2h30
- 5min d'introduction pour me presenter, mon assistant et surtout l'interet de WebVR en particulier applique a AirBus (cf nos discussions precedentes)
- 30min pour realiser leur toute premiere experience sur ordinateur et la tester sur laptop, cardboard et 1 personne sur Vive
- 60min sur differents exercices pour aquerir des competences et maitriser les concepts
- 30min pour modifier leur premiere experience grace a ce qu'ils ont appris
- 30min de bilan sur ce qui a ete fait et ouverture sur les nouvelles techniques
move " (available on http://learnwebvr.xyz/AirbusJune2017 after the event) " to the end or via email
make the initial experience more interesting
- e.g. add the timetable for the workshop
- add sound or video (useful to see who is already "in") even though it requires interaction
fix past flow problems e.g.
- what's the light "switch"
- avoid moments like "handling light is hard, takes hours, just give up" by something more sensible e.g. related resources to dig deeper
- what is the point of the camera movement exercises
provide enough models to give creative freedom WITHOUT wasting time
comparer avec l'existant