simple description - abstract - keywords - literature - proposed model - advantages of model - disadvantages of model - experimental results - conclusion & summery
references - procedures - Notes



simple description

??? back to the top


??? back to the top


???,???,??? back to the top

literature review

??? back to the top

proposed model

??? back to the top

advantages of model

??? back to the top

disadvantages of model

??? back to the top

experimental results

developing demo program to implement this idea back to the top

conclusion & summery

??? back to the top


  1. ?

back to the top


  1. writing keywords
  2. searching by using keywords
  3. reading search results and indicating the relevance
  4. extracting new keywords from new found resources
  5. back to number 1
  6. read all found resources again
  7. comparing them to our model and adapting the model
  8. writing final structures
  9. ??

back to the top


??? back to the top