W3CWebVRWorkshop October 2016 in San Jose
#W3CVR on Twitter, identi.ca, Live Cast, TwitterStreamGraphs, Collecta, flickr
Attended activities
- Sean White's intro
- long now
- mention of Aframe, A-painter, Argon
- what's webVR comparative advantage
- webVR as MR kickstarting platform
- webVR intro
- browsers "race" view to the spec implementation
- more changes before more stability (hence point of pinning)
- webVR as web, a mess of tools, platforms, content, etc
- Daydream first... trial origin... after January
- full Chrome VR browser after 1st half 2017, not desktop first
- overall feels like it's mobile first
- great for democratization, tricky once you have tried "proper" VR with 6DoF controllers and can't go back
- Facebook Carmel and Samsung "VR-first browser" both based on Chromium
- Samsung "VR-first browser", allows for traversal in VR?
- looks
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- morning
- demo of link traversal
- input polyfill
- accessibility
- afternoon
- threejs telemetry demo
- glTF
- declarative frameworks
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Overall remarks and conclusions
- difficulty of going all through the stack, from low level to UX, security to file format, etc
- tricky to develop for content supposedly instantaneously available on ALL machine and yet, always having to find the lowest common denominator
- headache of responsive x adaptive x accessible intractable combinations
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Other reviews or coverage
To do
- improve Template
- add map data (:ola-point lat= lon= text='':)