Overall remarks and conclusions
- QuantifiedSelf, efforts required but still a worthy investment by myself
own slides Path:/pub/FB_QSBXL_March2012.pdf (odp)
- la demarche QuantifiedSelf n'est pas facile, que simplement noter fonctionne pendant un certain temps mais que l'interet diminue (cf Rischer on Gibbon’s Law of Logarithmic Returns), que les besoins changent (plasticite, apprentissage, ...) illustre avec des exemples personnels de ce qui a marche et n'a pas marche
- needy greedy practical problems (backup, hack, privacy, encryption, ...)
- mais que malgre tout cela l'alternative (pas d'outils et de methode pour deleguer sa cognition) devient ingerable
- yet
Should be inspired by Ignite Show format (20 slides advancing every 15seconds) and Nancy Duarte's model thus maybe not half bad half good but rather bits of each with a positive conclusion.
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- add map data (:ola-point lat= lon= text='':)