PES2011 aka PasSage En Seine, 17/06/2011 a La Cantine
#PSES on Twitter,, Live Cast, TwitterStreamGraphs, Collecta, flickr
Own objectives
- help on that issue
- learn this
- meet that person
Attended activities
- l interet du chiffrage pour assurer la liberte d expression
- nations
- e.g. NK relaye par sat chinois
- infocalypse
- explication Tor (mixing de routage)
- mention de HTTPS everywhere, TCP Crypt, GnuPG (avec commentaire de Bruce Schneier), web-of-trust, ...
- TrueCrypt mais cold boot, spoucon, etc
- limites
- aucune systeme n est sur
- aspect physique "dans la rue"
- Q&A
- details sur Facebook et la possibilite de demander la carte d identite
- chiffrer seul ?
- shellbox, kbox, VM crypte boote sur le net, etc
- requiere d avoir confiance en tous les acteurs techniques de la chaine
- faire confiance sans avoir le choix cree le doute
- mention de "Reservoir" (piscine de calcul) comme compagnie americaine capable de casser du chiffrement important
- grand publique ?
- projets Tor a la iPhone ?
- plus un systeme est securite plus il est lourd a utiliser
- vitesse ?
- question economique, etre plus rapide que l analyste et pre-suppose que dans le future la protection sera depassee
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- Q&A
- pourquoi ne pas utiliser un notaire ou un quelconque tiers, e.g. une institution ?
- frequence et utilite des derniers instants
- potential solution of a public ledger e.g. BitCoin blockchain
- systeme de distribution de bouts de clefs ?
- note that learning is another reason why taking care of yesterday news matter a LOT
- one should expects his last thoughts to be the most important ones as wisdom get developped
- added recording ~7min to own starting page(!)
- dynamically set exposure as a function of estimated risk
- i.e. the most likely an amnesia is to occur, the most public means information is displayed (yet within boundaries, e.g. only within a trusted circles) and vice versa
- consequently the current (as of June 2011) solution might be overblown and thus creating unjustified exposure
- add to tools
- add to future improvements contextualisation avec des archives e.g. INA, BBC MemoryShare ou les projets d'archivages libres WikiNews,, etc...
- add to alternatives and maybe
- dyne Tomb - the Crypto Undertaker simple tool to manage encrypted storage on GNU/Linux, from the hashes of the dyne:bolic nesting mechanism.
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Overall remarks and conclusions
- note sur mon etat d esprit contre productif
- could be improved by doing that
- see also that other event
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Other reviews or coverage
To do
- improve Template
- add map data (:ola-point lat= lon= text='':)
- MemoryLossPES
- explore