FirstPebbleBelgiumMeetup Wednesday 17 February 2016 at 7pm
#FirstPebbleBelgiumMeetup on Twitter,, Live Cast, TwitterStreamGraphs, Collecta, flickr
Own objectives
- discover the local Pebble community
- share my own work and consolidate my own skills
- update my knowledge on Pebbled development
Attended activities
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Announced as "A crash-course into Pebble.js, the easiest way to start developing for Pebble. It's all JavaScript, so we'll have you cranking out cool functional app prototypes in no time!"

- key take away
- works perfectly on Pebble Time (aka Basalt), the rest is... random or worst
- extremely fast to go from idea to working app now
- 15min setup, 0 software to install on local machine
- 1min cycles of : code and compile online, send to watch via phone, run
- should be shorten to sub-second emulation via RockyJS
- limited to apps, possible to hack your way to making watchfaces but very tricky
- Pebble.JS runs ONLY the display on the watch, everything else, the logic, runs on the phone
- key steps to go from idea to very first app on your watch
- simplify your idea, focus on one basic yet useful function
- simplify more, really.
- setup up your CloudPebble account using your Pebble account in order to easily upload your app to your own watch
- Create a new project selecting
Pebble.js (beta)
- Edit the source clicking on
and modify line 13 to a more personal subtitle e.g. "Hello Belgian World!"
- Run it first safely in the emulator by clicking on the
(aka compile) button
- Play with the app by click on the screen then buttons
- Update the code by clicking on app.js then change the subtitle to something like e.g.
"Hello my own Pebble!"
- Compile for your phone by clicking Compilation then selecting
instead of emulator
- Start the Pebble app on your phone, in the menu select
Developer Connection
then turn it ON
(it should say Connected
to CloudPebble
- Click on
Install and run
back in CloudPebble
- Wait until your watch vibrates, select your new app, run it, enjoy!
- Now that you enjoyed your very first app on your own watch... it's time to actually code. Go back to
and modify it to match your own needs!
- fun functions once you have a setup running
- managing the UI, showing and hiding cards, selecting item from lists, etc
- authenticating your own watch
- making the watch vibrate
- getting data from the accelerometer
- getting data from the Internet using AJAX
- getting and sending data to and from your websocket server
- even more?
To do before the presentation
- Github of the demo to import for participants to try live
- check HDMI shortcuts for presentation side by side steps/live coding
- showcase personal demos that could interest others
- check if own code from CloudePebble can be copy/pasted to RockyJS for fast iterative testing
- suggest CodeEnv e.g. for people who do not have their own Node server
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Overall remarks and conclusions
- meet him
- could be improved by doing that
- see also that other event
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Other reviews or coverage
To do
- improve Template
- add map data (:ola-point lat= lon= text='':)