Template edited by Author - ISBN 0 - Publisher 200X



Autour de 2005 "Rah mais ouais, voila, c'est l'avenir le futur je veux vivre sur Internet" (after watching The Matrix, skimming through The Singularity is Near, etc) et depuis environ 2010 "Non mais... en fait ca change rien." car meme sur Internet tu as des problemes de ressources, securite, etc

Pre-reading model

List the main decisions that should be impacted by reading the book in order to estimate the Seedea:Content/Newconcepts#InformationActionRatio and facilitate rule design as suggested after finishing TheTinkerersAccomplice.

Draw a schema (using PmGraphViz or another solution) of the situation of the area in the studied domain before having read the book.


  • 1 Introduction to Template
    • "interesting quote." (p1)
    • note
    • ...
  • 2 Interesting thing
    • (p20)

See also

Overall remarks and questions

  • this? that?


So in the end, it was about X and was based on Y.


Point A, B and C are debatable because of e, f and j.


(:new_vocabulary_start:) new_word (:new_vocabulary_end:)

Post-reading model

Draw a schema (using PmGraphViz or another solution) of the situation of the area in the studied domain after having read the book. Link it to the pre-reading model and align the two to help easy comparison.


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