
Q&A (ordered by usual inability to convince)

Why is that useful for me?

because innovation is costly yet required

So how is that useful for me?

does X to solve your problem B

Can I try it?

no because I want to be able to use the feedback before thus log properly the results

(especially if you use pmwiki+mercurial) import -> stats -> visu -> decision -> ROI!

Why research? It must be harder!

actually it is easier as journals enforce a rather strict format

but even more importantly research is very often, if not alway, the foundation for innovation

Why no patent?

patent is mainly a tool for investors but provide little value for clients.

One could instead build and leverage a community rather that lock IP

I see vertices and edges, are you doing a social network?

no, this is not a social network project, you can use it alone.

I see datasets and monitoring, is this R&D intelligence?

no, mechanisms to stay up to date are similar but the analysis of pattern differs.

My lab or company does not have a KM system yet, can we still benefit from those tools?

yes but only partly, it would be more efficient to first get a proper KM system in place and then go further

Can you handle a lot of data?

yes thanks to a distributed architecture

Can you handle little data?

yes but not with limited confience

Only on text?

sounds too limited but think again about what is not text, meta-data on non-textual data replacement (so far)

I am actually convinced, when can I start using it?

just contact me now and we will figure out the fastest solution

My question is not there, how can I tell you what it is?

Just type it here and sign if you want to :