16:29 -!- Irssi: Starting query in blinkenshell with ThePhysicist 16:29 http://www.jassatpod.byethost5.com/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Site.BookLog 16:29 How can I improve my reading notes? 16:29 yes 16:29 add questions 16:30 questions raised before reading the book (thus why you were interested in it) 16:30 during the book (and thanks to what chapter/sentence/concept) 16:31 okay 16:31 add more links to related books/courses/... 16:31 in order to connect the book 16:31 since no book is an island 16:31 it should be easy 16:31 it forces you to "step back" 16:31 and see the biggest picture 16:32 and eventually allow you to critic it 16:32 (which isn't easy when you allow the author to follow his flow) 16:34 linking to reviews can help a lot for that too 16:35 as reviewers tend to confront concepts from a book to alternative paradigms 16:35 while the author rarely do so objectively 16:36 what would be very nice could be to add related exercises you've completed 16:36 (if it applies) 16:36 or videos of experiments that "show" the coherent of the concepts explained, I find that visualization helps to memorize a lot 16:41 I should do it too, at least the cover for example 16:41 or the "central schema" of each book 17:24 What do you mean by central schema? 17:26 I need to go now but will check later for you answer to above 18:37 Bacvk. 21:01 I mean a visual that synthesis the main concept of the book 14:23 Hey. 14:23 We are expecting more snow here tomorrow.