13:45 < Utopiah> http://wiki.seedea.org/Content/ToolsRSSnotifier 13:48 < Utopiah> still pass there so basically the idea was to customize https://rssnotifier.dev.java.net/ 13:48 < hivemind-sb> Title: rssnotifier: RSS Notifier (at rssnotifier.dev.java.net) 13:49 < Utopiah> in order to have GITS animation visuals and being able to pull a configuration from a website 13:49 < Utopiah> so for example clients would have a preconfigured BlinkenVenture.com desktop assistant 13:49 < Utopiah> based on RSS Notifier 13:50 < Utopiah> which would obviously make a nice marketing following process 13:50 < Utopiah> (I discussed with the author of RSS Notifier and he though it was a nice idea) 15:41 <~arthax0r> Utopiah: that is a nice idea... too bad it is written in java :< 15:41 <@djweezy> lol, but so true 15:41 <~arthax0r> perhaps we could just write a non-suck version? :)_ 15:42 <~arthax0r> cuz i really like the thought 15:46 <~arthax0r> http://wiki.seedea.org/Content/ToolsRSSnotifier <- pass required 15:47 <~arthax0r> http://yarssr.sourceforge.net/ <-non suck, need port to win tho? 15:47 < hivemind-sb> Title: Yarssr - Yet Another RSS Reader (at yarssr.sourceforge.net) 15:47 <~arthax0r> well, and it doesn't quite have the notifier i suppose 15:48 <~arthax0r> either way that should be easy to create from scratch 15:56 < Utopiah> Why is java a problem? 15:56 < Utopiah> I mean starting sth from scratch for a mock project sounds like overkill to me 15:56 <~arthax0r> why *isn't* it? 15:57 <~arthax0r> firstly you have to install a bunch of java script, second then you have to update it all the time, third it is prone to memory leaks like a seive 15:57 <~arthax0r> s/script/crap/ 15:58 <~arthax0r> define 'GITS animation visuals'? 15:58 < Utopiah> Tachikoma <3 15:59 <~arthax0r> sweet lookin bot! 15:59 < Utopiah> that's the idea :] 16:00 < Utopiah> regarding the language, just dont suggest a crappy vendor dependant VM one (hint hint) 16:00 < Utopiah> (and dont mention Mono) 16:01 <~arthax0r> COBOL? 16:01 < Utopiah> know any good RSS library for it? 16:02 <~arthax0r> um, no 16:02 < Utopiah> well actually I should have to care about that anyway, Ill wrote down the requirements and let you know when the wiki is updated, cool with that? 16:02 < Utopiah> s/should/should *not*/ 16:03 <~arthax0r> lol, ya that is cool 16:03 < Utopiah> or better, hivemind-sb will follow and announce the wiki RSS here 16:03 <~arthax0r> i was googling 'easiest language to port between windows and linux' and mono was the first applicable result 16:04 < Utopiah> lies! 16:04 < Utopiah> infidels! 16:04 < Utopiah> anyway, configuring the bot 16:07 < Utopiah> where is the wiki? I need to allow RSS feed in it 16:07 <~arthax0r> http://www.codeproject.com/KB/XML/infoBot.aspx 16:07 < hivemind-sb> Title: CodeProject: RSS Reader in Windows System Tray. Free source code and programming help (at www.codeproject.com) 16:07 <~arthax0r> ~/subdomains/wiki/public_html 16:07 < Utopiah> thanks subdomains ok 16:07 <~arthax0r> ^is not pretty but works as win version so whatever 16:08 < Utopiah> win version? 16:08 < Utopiah> ah ok 16:08 <~arthax0r> as in windows 16:08 <~arthax0r> == most clients prolly 16:08 <~arthax0r> altho hopefully we can get some real intelligent ones that are not 16:09 <~arthax0r> so, two tray notifiers 16:09 <~arthax0r> i think that we should link to those from our web site under 'client communication tools'ish page 16:09 < hivemind-sb> New news from blinkenventurewiki: Site / SideBar || Main / HomePage || Main / PageLists || Project / Mock || Project / Project 16:10 < Utopiah> don't worry, Ill add all that to the project page 16:10 < Utopiah> in a "potential platform" section 16:11 < Utopiah> (thanks /lastlog http easy to get last links to add to the wiki) 16:14 <~arthax0r> http://www.galago-project.org/news/index.php <--libnotify 16:14 < hivemind-sb> Title: Galago - News (at www.galago-project.org) 16:15 <~arthax0r> http://search.cpan.org/dist/Gtk2-Notify/ <-- perl interface to libnotify 16:15 < hivemind-sb> Title: Florian Ragwitz / Gtk2-Notify - search.cpan.org (at search.cpan.org) 16:16 <~arthax0r> http://manishtech.wordpress.com/2009/03/29/working-with-libnotify/ <-- noice 16:16 < hivemind-sb> Title: Working with libnotify « Manishs Tech Blog (at manishtech.wordpress.com) 16:18 <~arthax0r> so from all that what i gather 16:19 <~arthax0r> is that a potentail side-project of interest for a couple of us may be building a quick rss notifier in c or python (or perl if feeling suicidal) 16:20 <~arthax0r> while trying to keep it portable enough to be easy to perhaps at some time later produce a windows version 16:20 <~arthax0r> i just had a crazy mind altering thought tho, so i'll bbiaf 16:41 < hivemind-sb> New news from blinkenventurewiki: Profiles / Profiles || Profiles / Utopiah || Project / Template 16:42 <~arthax0r> splendid! 16:43 <~arthax0r> we need a page that clearly labels each of our applicable skills that we can honestly dedicate to this venture .. as opposed to just our public profile 16:44 < Utopiah> (hence the Person.Person earlier proposal) 17:05 <~arthax0r> hopefully i will finish this sharing crap today, then i am going to code up the trouble tickets plug and write a couple articles