• it is easier for you as a man as you do not have a ticking biological clock
    • quality of sperm decline with age so it is the same urgency feeling
  • it is natural to have kids
    • it was once "natural" to argue with another member of society by crushing their skull with a bone, it does not make it right
    • the universe as a whole does not "give a shit"
  • it is the duty of a member of society to perpetuate their gene
    • Im not "society", it is an idealized construct
  • your bloodline/family/etc will stop there
    • so what?
  • children brings happiness
    • yes and also suffering
  • you will always wonder "what if" you had had children
    • yes, the same way one would one wonder "what if" he or she didn't
  • but a child is part of you, half of your genetic material
    • an individual is a complex combination of nature and nurture
    • seems like an argument of ego

See also